Tourismus & Sehenswürdigkeiten

Cultural Countryside Day Tour (Private Tour)

Cultural Countryside Day Tour (Private Tour) Preis: EUR 85.78 One can experience the culture of a place by revisiting its history. For the first part of this cultural countryside tour, you will be visiting the Blood Compact Site.From there,head to Baclayon Church,one of the oldest churches in the country. Visit the museum that holds priceless artifacts from the Spanish colonial era. After learning about history,enjoy the native delicacies for your buffet lunch while cruising and being serenaded on a floating restaurant along Loboc River. Now, test your courage at the bamboo hanging bridge in Sevilla. Hold on tight!From there, enjoy the cold breeze while walking along the Manmade Forest.Now it’s time to meet the adorable and bug-eyed creatures at the Tarsier Conservation Park. These primates are nocturnal so they are sleeping while you’re going around their home. If you’re lucky, you can catch a glimpse of them with their eyes wide open. Finally,take in all the beauty of Bohol with the spectacular views of the Chocolate Hills at sunset. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Cultural Countryside Day Tour (Private Tour)

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